Solitude Forest

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Solitude Forest

Solitude Forest is a vast, forested region making up the majority of Haafinheim. Numerous cities and settlements are found within the region; Dragonbridge, Dunbarrow, Dunstad, Haafingar, and Valmund. The majority of Skyrim's timber production and export is tied to the region.

The forest borders the following regions: Drajkmyr Marsh, Kilkreath Mountains, Midkarth, Sea of Ghosts and Valstaag Highlands.

Haraldskap, the far northern tip of the region, marks the northernmost point of all of Tamriel.


Thick pine forest covers most of the region, which is generally of high altitude in the north and lower to the south. Mount Draukar overlooks the forest in the west, where the Kilkreath Mountains mark the end of the region. In the east, the forest gives way to the Drajkmyr marshes. The Skirling Fjord cuts through the forest from just south of Haafingar, ending in the mouth of the river Karth and the city of Markarth. In the center of the fjord sits the small isle of Tsunholm.