Grey Plains

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Falkheim region

Grey Plains (also called Falkheim in old planning) is a vast region in the northwestern corner of Skyrim. It borders the Western Reach of High Rock. It is bordered to the east by the Kilkreath Mountains, to the south by the Druadach Highlands and to the southeast by Midkarth. Its only sizeable permanent settlement is the fishing village of Hraggstad and the Imperial Navy fortress of Fort Northwatch. Falkirstad borders the region to the east.


A vast, barren valley between the Kilkreath Mountains and the mountainous western border. Its eastern portion are generally flat plains rising up towards the Kilkreath Mountains foothills, with the terrain rising into hills and cliffs in the northwest and mountains in the west. To the south lies the Druadach Highlands and Midkarth regions. Snowhawk Peak looms over the valley. To the north lies the Sea of Ghosts. A deep crevice cuts through the western border, with a smaller river running into the ocean. The crevice goes all the way to Dragonstar, interrupted by a section in the southern Falkheim covered by a landslide.

Pine trees and birches dot the landscape, but no actual forests are to be found. Common flora and funghi includes: Aspyr Tea, Black Spore Cap, Bleakbell Hay, Forsythia Tromja, Grass Pod, Holly, Icy Shelf Fungus, King Bolete, Rust Russula, Snow Berry, Stone Flower and Vicar Herb. Deer, Elk, Wolf and Bear are the most common creatures. Mammoths are rare, but have been known to roam there. Horkers are a common sight along the coast.


Falkheim name comes from First Era petty-kingdom of the same name, which flourished in the region sometime before the War of Succession. It was centered around the palace-fortress of Askaregg.

Exterior Design Guide

Ground Textures

  • T_Sky­TerrRockRE_01 - rock
  • T_Sky_TerrRockSnwRE_02 - snowy rock
  • T_Sky_TerrGrassRE_02 - main grass
  • T_Sky_TerrGrassSnwRE_02 - snowy grass
  • T_Sky_TerrDirtRE_05 - rocky grass
  • T_Sky_TerrDirtRE_01 - main dirt
  • T_Sky_TerrDirt_03 - alternate dirt
  • T_Sky_TerrPine_01 - dense forest
  • T_Sky_TerrRoadStone_01 - main roads
  • T_Sky_TerrRoadDirtRE_01 - side roads
  • T_Sky_TerrFarmland_01 - tilled dirt


  • T_Sky­TerrRockRE_**

Static Flora

Could benefit from added context.

  • T_Sky_Flora_TreeBirch**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreeLeaf1Dry**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreeLeaf2Dry**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreePine1**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreePine2**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreePine3**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreePine4**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushLeaves1Dry**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushLeaves5Dry**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushPine1**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushPine2**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushPine3**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BushPine4**
  • T_Glb_Flora_ReedDry**

Container Flora

Could benefit from added context.

  • FloraBM_holly**
  • florastoneflower**
  • T_Sky_Flora_BksporeCp**
  • T_Sky_FloraBleakBlH**
  • T_Sky_Flora_ForsythTr**
  • T_Sky_Flora_KingBol**
  • T_Sky_Flora_RustRuss**
  • T_Sky_Flora_Snowberry**
  • T_Sky_Flora_TawnFun**
  • T_Sky_Flora_VicHerb**

Cultivated Flora

[to be resupplied]

Vertex Shading

  • Under statics: 100,100,100
  • Between textures: 139,139,139