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Approaching Falkirstad.

Falkirstad (also known as Snowhawk) is a medium sized Nordic settlement located on the border between Kilkreath Mountains and Falkheim. It sits in a valley by the foothills of Snowhawk Peak, a sacred mountain dedicated to the goddess Kyne and a popular pilgrimage destination. The city is part of the Kingdom of Haafinheim and is ruled by Jarl [?].


The city of Falkirstad was founded before the War of Succession. Initially a minor settlement on the border between the petty-kingdoms of Falkheim and Kilkreath, it later surpassed its neighbouring cities in status and wealth. It has shifted hands between the holds of the Reach and Haafinheim multiple times, as well as experiencing periods of self-governance.

As late as during the fourth century of the Third Era, it surpassed the Reach hold-throne of Markarth as the foremost regional power in northwestern Skyrim, barring Haafingar itself. The background was Markarth and the Kingdom of the Reach being extraordinarily amputated as punishment in the aftermath of the War of the Red Diamond, losing the majority of its territory and being put under strict control. The relative stability and security of nearby Falkirstad grew to attract more trade, both inland and through the satellite harbour of Hraggstad. The latter guarded by the Imperial Navy fortification of Fort Northwatch, which was repaired and expanded during this time. More importantly, Falkirstad became a safe haven for Imperial interests in the region, with the city's nobility renouncing Potema's claim to the throne at a strategic stage of the hostilities. In the aftermath of the war, Falkirstad played a role in enabling numerous Haafinheim fiefs to be expropriated and ruled by nobility loyal to Cephorus I. The city provided a point from which goods and troops could support the recently established fiefdoms, who was otherwise surrounded by vengeful lords stripped of their ancestral holdings. The Imperial connection still lingers in the city, and is present through institutions, demographics and trade connections.


The city's economy is largely based on trade, pilgrims, logging and mining. It boasts a decent amount of services; several taverns, various traders, as well as guild halls for the Fighter's Guild and Mage's Guild. A Temple of Riana is located just outside the town, constructed during a Second Era missionary campaign. A carriage service connects the city to Markarth, Dunbarrow and Dragonbridge.

Current events

When the Kingdom of Haafinheim regained momentum and consolidated Haafingar as the regional power centre, the city of Falkirstad suffered under heavy taxation and administrative neglect. This was viewed as an act of retaliation for the perceived betrayal of Haafinheim nobility. Furthermore, the village of Hraggstad entered into a direct Jarldom vassalage with the throne of Haafingar, formerly being ruled by a Thane serving the Jarl of Falkirstad. This has created tension between the two settlements, although far from outright hostilities. Falkirstad depends on Hraggstad as its satellite harbour, and Hraggstad in turn is still by far the smaller and poorer of the two, and reliant on Falkirstad for inland supplies and trade.

During the War of Bend'r Mahk, Falkirstad was an important vantage point for the invasion of the Western Reach and the ongoing occupation of Jehenna. Spoils of war and heavy taxation of occupied High Rock fiefs has enriched the warrior nobility and their vassals, while the traders and commoners have suffered from interrupted trade routes and general lawlessness following the war.