Dictionary of Names
This is an irregularly updated dictionary of Tamrielic names – both NPC names sorted by race and gender and a selection of placenames. It is intended as an inspirational resource for Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel use.
This guide was also known as Rats' Onomastikon, and all names are based on Rats' vision of the lore. User discretion is thus advised and comments are welcome.
Much like the original names in Morrowind, this guide uses plenty of real world historical names – Greek, Frankish, Roman, Old Norse, etc. – as an inspiration. However, the names have been made as non-obvious and non-jarring as possible. So, instead of Beowulf you’ll have Berrolf, instead of Reginald you’ll have Raginart, instead of Julius you’ll have Jalias, etc.
See also our general guide to names in the NPC and Creature Guidelines.
NPC Names
High Elves
Altmer names in Morrowind seem to be inspired by Tolkien’s Quenya names, but will occasionally have long vowels (Fiiriel, Taarie). Typical female suffixes are -nwe, -nya and -a; typical male suffixes are -rg and -o, but otherwise names are quite unisex.
First Name Male | First Name Female | “of Summerset Isle location” (Surname) |
Aldaron Alderundil Armaranco Arannaro Ayrenalmo Ballomar Celliturco Dulemo Ergollion Estedir Falamellion Ferinurg Gallanril Haetermo Immegoril Immeturco Issamirwe Jaraamion Kathellomar Lammonare Lirion Maranlonwe Miscamir Mitirian Morenen Naganorro Necerilar Nylanaro Olvaymar Orissare Raukannarmo Serecaamo Valaturco Vilothvino |
Altafire Ambarmetta Aranracua Aurimene Buluyele Colmanrie Dholyninde Eltwyeve Endorenna Enyntarma Feirie Gargatynne Harmillere Hildinyarwe Ilne Kelespyre Lissandril Melenarre Morissare Naarie Oravaine Orynamba Oyebasara Pelmenwe Rentyewene Risalenya Sinomella Taeraca Taehtiranne Talwinesse Tandilque Tulennorna Umonharya Vayryne |
of Alinor
of Archon’s Grove of Calambar of Cloudrest of Coral College of Crystal Tower of Dawnbreak of Dusk of Eldbur of Errinome Isle of Firsthold of Golden Court of Heinarwe of Ice Gardens of Karadalus of King’s Grave of Lillandril of Moridunon of Red Temple of Sea Keep of Shattered Tower of Shimmerene of Silatar of Silsailen of Skywatch of Sunhold |
The names are inspired by existing Argonian names. The Jel names are more or less entirely unisex, perhaps unsurprisingly, with only a small handful of prefixes appearing to be gender-specific. With the vanilla sample size being very small, that might just be a coincidence.
Male prefix | Female prefix | Jel name (some with unisex prefixes) | “Common tongue” name |
Okan- |
Mim- On- |
Aajur-Shei Aashkatan Abbeeusi Abeesh-Ej Ahulsei Akur Aneesha An-Jaasei An-Meeus An-Selsei Apossi-Kai Asheeus Auwusha Baalisheeus Beeko Cardliss-Caith Darrakiius Effa Ehul Eijius Ejeshtei El-Meesei Esseeva Feesh Geesheus Gemne-Kai Haadul Haash-Ka Hal Heem-Wan Heesh-Ej Hulkuma Huulthiss Iblisheeva Illisheeus Issh-Tei Itanzish Jeebam-Gei Jeer Kaal-Jekka Kaal-Me Keeltha-Ru Keeus Kepshewa Kius Liskliss-Kai Lissha Maash-Na Maawul Mastei Meen-Kota Missazei Neeshtei Nilesh Nuushka Okish Oolisul Oujateeva Piun-Kur Qaureeus Rankoteeus Reejush Sassewul Seekeeus Shaawul Sisalikeeus Sisawusha Tuunyekatan Uhul Uskur-Rei Veedul Wecheeiva Wesum Wuleen-Ka Zasseeus Zeeshum-Gei Zissicheeva |
Black-Maw Boastful-Little-Frog Brings-Death-To-Smokeskins Burdened-By-Knowledge Careless-Hunter Clever-Girl Clouded-Eye Cold-Drake Copper-In-His-Mouth Doubts-Her-Own-Shadow Eleven-Scales Emeralds-In-Her-Eyes Falls-Three-Times False-Sun-In-His-Palm Father-To-Many-Mother-To-Few Fear-In-Their-Eyes Fire-Scales Fishes-Without-Bait Flowing-With-Gold Forgets-His-Tail Gilded-Scales Gnaws-On-Their-Roots Grave-Walker He-Died-Long-Ago Hides-From-Sight Hides-From-The-Twin-Moons Hides-Her-Tail Hides-His-Gold Hisses-At-Death Hisses-The-Truth Hungry-Little-Lizard Hunts-At-Night Iron-Mouth Iron-Scales Keeps-Their-Secrets Listens-To-The-Wind Leaves-No-Trail Lone-Tree-Burning Long-Shadows-On-The-Road Mirrored-In-The-Water Missing-Scales Moves-Like-Water-And-Shadow Mute-Toad Nigh-Nameless-Lizard Nightveiled-Lizard One-Tail Once-Bound-Twice-Freed Only-Name-Remains-Hidden Only-Stars-May-Follow Prince-Among-Snakes Scales-Beyond-Counting Seeks-His-Prey Shattered-By-The-Sun Silver-Scales Singing-Snake Sleeps-Upside-Down Smiles-With-Her-Claws Smoke-Slough Soaked-In-Resin Something-Good-Will-Follow Sun-Sinks-Behind-The-Lake Speaks-Not-His-Name Ten-Scales Three-Stomachs Travels-In-Silence Trident-Tongue Two-Eyes-One-Hidden Two-Legged-Snake Walks-Softly Watches-In-Silence Welcomes-The-Rain Where-No-Smokeskin-Goes Where-No-Sound-Is-Heard Where-Strange-Stars-Shine Wise-Lizard Yellow-Fang Young-Branch-Does-Not-Break |
Names are inspired by early medieval Frankish, Gothic, Lombardic, Old English, Greek and Celtic names. Family names have some recurring elements that are in a “faux-Breton” language (e.g., martle – hammer in Aelfimartle, Orqamartle and Radamartle – meaning “Elf-Hammer”, “Orc-Hammer” and “Redguard-Hammer”, respectively). Some names contain references to Tamrielic deities and the Daedra (e.g., Phynian, Phynie – Phynaster; Magnakar, Magnalaine – Magnus).
First name male | First name female | Surname |
Agraine Alephert Alynward Amielo Arbas Arquebald Artanon Attac Bardanach Bonton Cartlahac Cassyon Cedd Celestian Clavacar Cruinon Danbald Doniphan Dorinach Eddart Erbec Ernald Fierre Gaidon Geoffroy Gaistan Gragan Gwynnon Halmer Hermun Hervec Hormidac Hostian Hubert Ibelard Ilvert Jabrael Jach Janibert Jehan Kariston Kauan Loric Lucinach Luqan Madabart Magnakar Marqullon Marsilion Martin Mercel Meribert Millian Neel Nestor Niag Oirdo Olifer Olmirach Onslow Oscian Perevaine Phynestor Phynian Pien Rabel Raginart Ralnach Remes Reynant Roben Roybard Sallard Samon Sheorrac Therric Todde Ullian Vettoric Waldon Williharm Yles Ylisander Zelphirix |
Aeldine Alisone Alysse Amelphia Anthele Aubirge Auline Aurene Aurilyn Basila Bata Begga Bertatrix Bertelise Bevona Bradamine Carolinna Cattila Cetherine Clarina Diamelle Edelmine Editte Ellice Emmeline Emmitte Emonie Ermengarde Feloise Fortinbria Geronna Girindia Grimaude Halia Hella Hermine Hermoilette Hilsynde Iloisa Isalda Jannia Joveta Juida Julatria Kacilda Larynnie Lysse Macilda Maralyn Marsilia Merigrita Meswyn Mirietisse Mortea Nera Oghenne Ophelie Osgaera Othewyn Othona Parnilla Phynamine Phynie Priamona Qysolda Quinna Rabelie Racca Reynalie Rusanna Saralie Sheolyn Sumnea Thietra Tibaltine Tisolde Vicella Vivienna Vix Wycha Wyinonna Xeloise Ylossa Yvancelda |
Aelfiaine Alaiffe Alcaester Alciente Antimartle Arrymont Baeronte Belladon Borrec Caester Caramant Creve Daggach Divlione Farralie Feron Fughevel Gaise Gastoit Gaurd Ghetorix Glennec Guymont Harmacarle Hastic Herquardt Herve Hirvigaise Holdwic Iliaon Iligais Jeralfont Laine Luac Lymont Lyvar Magnapethe Magnilaine Malacartle Malcreve Malfierre Manse Marard Martoise Meregrot Merrigas Messorfel Metteix Monerre Morrick Narnis Nesmont Normartle Nornmort Oirden Orqamartle Orqebeine Paracel Phynafain Phynasien Phyric Radamartle Radvienne Ranquardt Renier Readraig Righcroit Robsvile Rusagais Sagramore Salteau Sangacarl Selvere Tarramont Teirhodon Thinne Tornerre Valloric Valpien Vene Vergento Vergerest Vilifienne Wycherre |
First names are inspired by old Roman, Byzantine and Greek names as well as Cyrodiilic saints’ and heroes’ names. Family names are likewise inspired by Latin and Greek. Some family names are derived from place names in Cyrodiil (e.g., Mir Corrup -> Corruvian), some from existing Cyrodiilic family names (Septim -> Septimulus), and some are inspired by genera of moths (Attacus, Pyralius).
First name male | First name female | Family names |
Actias Adiel Adorius Aetius Agdistrius Akatulus Aldrius Anymos Apisphagus Aranius Ariston Arkiel Arkus Asphobos Barrus Bravilo Brutullus Callidus Caluptonymus Carcaro Caros Chrysophilus Clivius Colubrinus Corak Corvos Cydion Dalthus Dibellus Dorios Emmon Epialus Eriros Eshus Fabhos Felerius Femmon Ferrarius Ferrexes Garius Gnaeus Harnav Hathades Hephimus Hyrmiel Iblias Ioclus Irecles Jacchus Jalias Jastav Jeonus Joron Joscus Karrav Kassiav Kassius Katarius Kintyros Korus Kventus Kynthius Lancen Lappius Lictus Lupullus Lutos Maran Marcian Marcesco Marius Marrav Mattimus Menexes Mephobos Mercor Meridius Moriel Morihades Mundos Myrcellus Nafalius Naskav Nathaus Nemmo Nillus Nonus Ophiophilus Opilio Osriel Ostofilus Ottrebus Pellius Perpius Pervigilius Pogonophilus Qyntos Remanion Remiel Ruhus Sallus Salvius Semmo Seregius Sesphagus Silav Soriel Strideos Talosion Teros Tertius Thellav Triaxes Tritonullus Tython Urian Varrav Vartinus Versidulus Vespertius Vicesimus Vittarion Xanos Zeniel |
Adetea Admete Aetia Agdisa Amaria Antimache Arkania Armentaria Astrea Aurgena Bacchina Barossa Barra Basiana Brazolla Casia Cassyndra Cheyda Chryseia Cratippa Cydia Cyrilla Drusilla Dyana Elissia Fellia Femma Ferratrix Fulmia Gaeia Gladia Grata Hasta Heceria Hegatha Helia Hermea Hestina Hieronumia Horusia Hostia Hyrmina Iohatha Iosepetha Jalia Joscia Juilekia Juliana Kallandria Kasta Korissa Kratea Kulia Kynatrix Kyra Labrysia Laenia Lavia Lepida Leppia Leylla Lictia Lyria Lyssa Maratrix Marcia Medenia Milia Mirmira Morica Myrialla Nafaria Natha Nephele Nibea Noctia Notrix Numantina Nycera Nymona Nyssa Onniba Ophiophaga Pepita Persenia Porcilla Praelia Prasinia Primula Quintia Qyrra Regia Reginula Remania Rumalla Saltaria Seiraphila Seleria Serica Sica Sirissa Tanicia Tertia Tethyssa Threxia Tibicia Tinea Tortugata Triaria Tritonulla Tytaria Ulpia Urgula Uria Valeria Vartina Venatrix Venenia Vigilia Vilbia Vitia Vittaria Yrillia Zenilla |
Accianer Aegidius Agrius Ancrades Arcafex Arcellio Arcessi Artemones Arthaler Atorius Attacus Attrebion Auriil Austramede Baccifer Barraviil Bellienus Belsar Boromede Cado Calanius Calla Caractacian Certor Cnisius Cocceius Colovithus Coluber Corruvian Cranius Cuptor Curatius Cyrocles Delodian Diocrassius Dorimulus Drusus Dythos Ellerian Entius Enyos Facian Farragian Feles Galbo Herro Hestranion Hylesian Ioclanian Istirianus Jades Jago Jalianus Kastavades Kave Lacrenius Laniculla Latro Loshanian Lucades Lucilius Luctor Ludoviil Lymantrius Marolus Maximede Medulla Mellifex Mimas Narragus Nax Nibemulus Noctuanis Olonides Onellio Ontusian Pariclopetus Passo Pelagadian Pello Pepander Pertinax Phalaenus Polus Praetulus Pyralius Qhyre Rattorian Rego Rictor Ruhnian Rumariil Salvo Sansalas Scinian Secura Septimullus Sericci Shainian Sicula Sutchos Suvian Teppo Thryx Thyranian Tineanus Tortrix Trago Trebellius Tyrrolian Unsarian Utrisius Vades Variil Velitor Verdio Victrix Vulnicura Vulpo Wayrian Xanio Yllarian Zenithiil |
Names are largely inspired by existing Khajiit names, some are inspired by ancient Egyptian names and some have been influenced by Semitic languages (as the vanilla ones are).
Prefixes | First name male | First name female | Bynames |
Do- Dro- J- Ja- Ji- Jo- M- Ma- Qa- Ra- Ri- S- |
Agghu Baadha Baddar Bapatesh Barriver Bassazahn Dhinnir Doshur Durr Dururad Haijirr Hazhurr Hokhu Hujazahr Huzhar Jaksa Jarnirr Jashur Jayq Jhuksur Jidhur Kaar Kakvu Kava Makaar Makhu Masshar Merrozh Mose Mirvarr Murassha Riksa Rinnirr Sarrir Sathre Shaarsar Shenji Shotesh Sukhur Tejirr Traaiqvu Ugghu Varr Vurrir Vissirr Zayvir Zhidar Zimha |
Ahjanja Ahninja Ajadhi Anjidasha Arshirra Asabah Ashiravi Assabi Azziribi Bahnari Beeshra Habsebja Haruvani Hisaba Inapi Ineni Irassi Jarazura Jhunaini Jirra Kemjirra Khassara Khatri Kheesa Kirrsi Maurri Mayabi Nashni Nefesi Nehapi Nirr Nisabah Niynna Ratsija Ribisi Sabah Shenerabi Shirribi Tesha Tsabbanji Tsadahna Tsirra Ubanji Udhassi Varra Veretsirra Virribi Zahninja |
Brass-Fang Bright-Eyes Fine-Tail Hidden-Paw Knockabout Moon-Mad Night-Paw Nimble-Claws Riddle-Tongue Shadow-Coat Sharp-Eye Silk-Whiskers Sugar-Mad |
Dark Elves
Dunmer names are strange because they’re not based on real world names in any way that would be obvious – Ashlanders excluded, as they are just Akkadian/Sumerian. Despite some suggestions that House Dunmer names would also be based on ancient Middle Eastern languages or Welsh or Khmer, that doesn’t seem to be the case. In short, there are no real world names or names in other fantasy IPs that one could use 1:1 as a reference for Dunmer names. Thankfully, the vanilla names provide more than enough information for us to come up with new names. Just using vanilla names is also more than okay – there are so many of them that there shouldn’t be a risk of overusing them (but do check!). For family names, especially, it might often be better to use an existing one; in which case one should check the House allegiances of the existing family members. Large families might have different branches belong to different Houses.
Note on Arena’s and Daggerfall’s Dunmer names: These are very different from Morrowind’s and should be disregarded entirely. They seem to emulate the old DnD-esque “evil-sounding” Dark Elves names, e.g. Azarath R’zamul, Lilithah Avalon, etc. These names don’t belong in Morrowind. Barenziah and Helseth are exceptions to this rule.
Note on the Dres names in the column below: This is just an old idea, and may or may not end up used. Namely, in prior conceptualization, Dres culture differs from the rest of the Dunmer culture (being pre-War of the First Council and all) their names were thought to also reflect that difference, similar to the way the Ashlander names reflect the Ashlander culture. So, in this compilation, the Dres family names have some distinctive features, such as occasional hyphens and double vowels and have subtle influences from the Dunmer names which appeared in Arena and Daggerfall. To think it gameplay-wise, it also adds to the variety.
First name male | First name female | Family names (normal) | Dres family names |
Als Arethys Aris Armas Atran Atras Atreno Beledas Bola Bralo Cemer Dalen Damilo Darver Dolen Dolirys Dels Eraris Erethys Erilul Etras Evur Falino Fals Garas Garvyn Gavo Gilas Gilen Gorvur Goryn Hlaals Hloryn Hurmes Ilmes Ino Ivon Jaro Jathys Jebyn Koles Koros Llayno Llaynus Lletho Llethys Llos Malmas Marnas Marras Mels Methrys Mols Morirys Mulo Navo Nerevam Nurmes Othrys Olvam Ralm Rathes Rereldyn Rilmas Rother Rulvam Sethys Silram Sorbus Taris Ulvo Utherys Vaathimus Valemus Vals Velas Veredres Volem |
Allusi Anu Asorsa Atra Atrenu Bala Balmyusi Basu Behra Borasea Cerynu Delenu Dolena Dileru Dunea Ethra Faalalsa Falinu Farenu Faylena Felesea Felryne Gadani Galvenu Galvia Galvu Gorvu Hethi Hillalu Hlarusa Hleveera Ilavu Ilmeesi Laani Llandesa Llayna Llehra Lletha Llethu Malmu Masu Meldresi Merysea Midesi Mohrie Mutra Mylese Naamalvu Narayne Nausi Othesea Olmaru Olmu Paalvu Polsirie Ranua Ratha Relmulu Rilme Ruhdava Saala Salme Saraina Saylena Seresa Sorsa Taala Temu Ullava Ulumesi Vaatha Vayle Vesa |
Aretheno Armuno Aronim Barethren Bevel Borovel Caram Dalveni Delythran Edralo Erendi Farralas Forvel Garano Gelvendu Geryon Gorothren Helseri Hlaari Hludri Hlukaal Idassam Inari Indatis Llanit Llendeno Llervo Llothran Lluthril Maanil Marothen Meelil Morynethi Munderyn Nerevyn Oavyl Olmsethi Ouradas Paltamo Pathavel Rorivel Rorynil Rovynith Sathrobar Sipathri Sovethran Tarenim Telvor Trothren Undamo Undreno Valaryon Varano Velsadri Vermethys Vesuri Voronethri |
Anduraaru Airudraas Arraadres Arvseethi Balaadren Berer-Daavus Cetheedri Desvuuril Draas Feelevur Heth-Ryon Kakhuul Maarhivul Neemeseth Neth-Dresayn Raalthren Sur-Avaren Sur-Enaren Sur-Malthren Sur-Veleth Voldrees Volynseethi |
Telvanni family names (vanilla) | Hlaalu family names (vanilla) | Redoran family names (vanilla) |
Hlaalu | Andrano
Arobar Llethri Omalen Ramoran Retheran Romoran Sarethi Venim |
First names are inspired by Old Norse and Old English names as well as other old Germanic languages. Elements of Nord deities and heroes are recurring in the names (e.g., Shor – Shorhildr, Shorri, Shorkatla; Vrage – Vragrim, Vraggyn; Kyne – Hartkyne, Sikkyne, Kynhildr).
First name male | First name female | Bynames, honorifics | Clan names/kennings |
Aelfban Aelgrim Agiulf Adur Aldgeir Alfban Alvmund Atmarman Atmaring Authas Baldor Beormar Berrolf Bjyrmund Borgharth Bormundir Bryndr Byldir Cagsald Dalkiring Dorrstag Dulfin Ealjund Eberulf Eikivar Eohart Eormar Eorric Falgar Fjalmar Fowken Geirling Gir Golthmord Gramor Gyirulf Haafmund Haggar Hakarl Halvard Halvor Hartgeir Harthulf Harthaaf Harthsor Hartsuhn Hartvrage Hjaalman Hjalgar Hjallen Hjalmukk Hjulkur Hringir Hrollof Hronrad Hrothlaf Hrothi Hryggvar Hvaenric Hvangir Hvaraman Hvederik Hvitulf Hyeg Hyrik Hyrsk Illen Jaermor Jaervinir Jalli Jathmund Jolf Juukurf Jyrkir Kaarnut Kilgar Kirik Kraklaf Kraki Kynnarnir Kyngrim Kynling Kynningir Larrulf Leggir Loghart Miklas Mjoellen Myrgamor Nixhelm Nixulf Nothmund Oddulf Olfmor Orgeir Ormir Ormulf Ornalf Ostern Ottir Petir Pjer Qarlstaf Ragstuhn Rauthman Reignar Riffskald Rog Shorkil Shorleif Shorling Shorri Shorrigrim Shorsten Skeggi Skjollulf Skyldr Slengir Sovnalf Spjorri Styrmir Sverth Tharren Thegnir Thengolf Thongull Torvic Tsungeir Tsunni Tsunnulf Turleif Ulfnar Ulfslag Ulfvinr Uildgeir Uildman Uildulf Ulvard Valdar Varimund Vaski Vinrir Vragge Vraggon Vraginleif Vragrim Vranki Vregor Vyrmurd Wulfgeir Wulfnoth Yggulf Ygrim Ylvar Yngeir Yngoman Ysling Ysvar Yswulf |
Aeldis Aelgyn Aelhildr Alva Alvgeira Arnkyne Atmarhild Atmarid Atmarska Balgra Beorska Berra Borgga Bryhtilde Bryna Bryta Bylja Byrra Cirra Durstrid Ebgeira Eijaska Elvhild Enna Eorikke Fjeorna Folka Fynndis Geira Gembla Glethi Grima Gytha Gyrleika Haafa Haafska Halla Harja Hartkyne Harvi Helgyn Helhilde Herjida Hildyn Hilla Hillyne Hjaala Hjertrud Hjorleika Holveig Holvirde Hringa Hrygga Hryggdis Hvastinga Hvederikke Hvennia Ilstrid Ingirid Isarna Jolla Joska Jotulna Karthaska Katka Kaura Kjarna Kraka Kripa Krykka Kydis Kynauga Kynfrid Kynhildr Kynilla Kynna Lakka Leikra Leinna Maera Marasif Markanhild Markatla Markstrid Mikla Mjalla Morherja Morthalska Myrja Nenna Nirnikke Odrade Olfi Ojorna Orma Otra Porra Preija Qara Radekund Raginsif Rautha Riffa Rikka Ronja Seksa Sagga Sorstrid Sovna Shordis Shorfrid Shorgyn Shorhildr Shorkatla Shorra Shorveig Sigiskynne Sikkyne Sjona Skalla Skylda Stuhnni Svala Svertha Svertikyne Thegga Thurra Thyna Turunstrid Tsunhild Tsunna Tsunvi Ulfa Uildi Valageira Valta Vetra Vinra Virva Vragga Vraghild Vraggyn Vyra Waldaina Wulfa Wyrdlaug Ygga Ylfgeira Ylga Yllisif Yndis Ynga Yngolkyne Ysgild Ysgradis Ysgrasif Ysmira Ystrid Ysva |
the Accursed
the Bald the Bard the Bastard the Beardless the Beast the Boatswain the Bold the Black the Blessed the Blind the Bloody the Blunt the Braggart the Brave the Brawny the Brewer the Broken the Builder the Butcher the Captain the Carver the Cheerful the Clanless the Clever the Coward the Coy the Cruel the Cutter the Damned the Deaf the Deathless the Dodger the Dog the Drunkard the Earless the Easterling the Elder the Enforcer the Envious the Fair the Faithful the Fearless the Flayer the Fool the Foundling the Fox the Gambler the Giant the Glutton the Godless the Greedy the Grim the Gutless the Hairy the Hateful the Headsman the Heartless the Helmsman the Honest the Hopeful the Horker the Horseless the Hound the Hunter the Husbandman the Ill-fated the Jester the Joyless the Just the Killer the Kneeling the Lame the Landless the Lanky the Lawless the Lazy the Learned the Liar the Literate the Loved the Lucky the Mad the Maid the Mauler the Meadling the Mean the Mindless the Mongrel the Navigator the Noseless the Oathless the Old the Old the Otter the Outlaw the Pale the Plain the Poacher the Poor the Proud the Quick the Quiet the Raider the Reckless the Restless the Reaver the Red the Ringless the Rogue the Sage the Sailor the Seer the Scarred the Scout the Short the Simple the Singer the Skald the Sluggard the Snake the Sneaky the Soulless the Southerner the Spearman the Stammerer the Steadfast the Stout the Strong the Swift the Tall the Terrible the Thatcher the Tongueless the Tracker the Traitor the Traveller the Trickster the Ugly the Unbroken the Unhanged the Unlucky the Untamed the Unwashed the Unyielding the Vain the Vengeful the Vile the Wanderer the Watcher the Wicked the White the Whisperer the Wise the Witty the Woodsman the Wrathful the Wyrdless the Yellow the Young |
Arrow-Knee Bald-Crown Barrow-Dweller Battle-Helm Battle-Singer Battle-Wise Bear-Heart Black-Dog Black-Goat Black-Sail Black-Tooth Bleak-Fate Blood-Plough Blood-Worm Blue-Fox Blue-Hair Boar-Skin Bone-Lyre Bright-Banner Bright-Hair Bristle-Beard Broken-Cup Bull-Neck Cold-Hand Copper-Eye Crow-Master Deer-Friend Doom-Sayer Dwarf-Hewer Elf-Bane Elf-Friend Elf-Hammer Ember-Hand Fell-Hawk Fiend-Hammer Fire-Braid Fire-Tongue Fog-Caller Four-Winds Fox-Ear Frost-Beard Frost-Blood Goat-Legs Gold-Bound Gold-Friend Grave-Bound Green-Banner Grey-Cloak Hard-Bitten Hard-Bone Hard-Rain Hard-Wyrd Harrow-Hand Half-Bear Half-Boar Half-Drowned Half-Elf Half-Giant Half-Orc Hawk-Keeper Hearth-Friend Heart-Seeker High-Fell High-Tide Hoard-Sharer Hog-Body Honey-Beard Horse-Hair Horse-Leech Hundred-Scars Ice-Stride Iron-Blood Iron-Prow Iron-Shirt Iron-Skull Iron-Throat Iron-Tide Keen-Arm Land-Giver Long-Stride Many-Colors Mead-Brewer Nettle-Tongue Night-Cloak Night-Sun Nine-Fingers Noose-Neck Oak-Spear Oar-Arm Oath-Bound One-Eye Quill-Hand Rag-Cloak Rain-Bringer Raven-Banner Raven-Feeder Red-Hair Red-Keel Red-Legs Ring-Giver Rock-Breaker Rune-Carver Salt-Blood Scar-Giver Sea-Born Sea-Glad Sea-Harrow Seven-Stars Shield-Biter Shield-Matron Ship-Breaker Silver-Hair Silver-Neck Skald-Wright Snow-Hare Spear-Friend Split-Shield Star-Iron Steel-Hand Steel-Skald Steel-Skin Stern-Hand Stone-Crown Stone-Horn Storm-Bird Storm-Caller Straw-Hair Summer-Fat Sun-Hammer Sure-Foot Sword-Thane Ten-Fingers Thick-Skin Thin-Beard Thistle-Crown Thrall-Master Thrice-Hanged Troll-Blood Troll-Slayer Troll-Tongue Two-Knives Twin-Shadow Ward-Heart War-Banner War-Glad War-Scythe War-Tide Whale-Eater White-Hair White-Horse Wild-Heart Winter-Eye Winter-Spear Witch-Bane Wolf-Eye Wolf-Jaw Wraith-Bane Wroth-Wind Wyrd-Bound |
Names are inspired by existing names in Morrowind, contemporary Anglosphere names, East African languages, Song of Roland (weird huh), and names in the Redguard game. The surnames are inspired by existing names in Morrowind and Redguard.
Note: Vanilla and other TES III-adjacent TES titles use surnames exceedingly rarely. You should, too.
First name male | First name female | Surnames (very rare) |
Ansejai Asturan Badding Balt Braddon Brando Bren Cassapar Colm Corland Dellis Dyrron Dimon Ephran Evert Falderoy Farland Gallayrde Gerryd Harding Henderey Heston Hop Hornimo Hunfey Iager Iaison Iliassir Istadahan Jakk Janan Jay Jerem Jojander Jossen Kabtan Kael Kalmaron Kassar Kavain Kerran Kilgore Kilman Koil Leacon Lekkan Macallin Madakal Melko Mercon Mirando Namos Nilas Nyssos Olissean Onroy Pahir Pascar Podd Qiles Rondo Rowley Rudo Sangen Sareth Scallion Shimbir Sloat Suramond Sylver Talbot Tiro Tulias Tyburn Vain Varsin Vayne Vic Vicker Warrock Wesson Yokken |
Allie Amina Askaria Astha Attara Barbharua Bee Bethy Callie Carmiana Cassara Dajaha Danwendy Dayarta Doora Dunca Elle Erisa Faraleki Farhada Faroja Fathia Fowsia Gargara Gemmie Harri Howendy Iftina Ilmia Imatra Iqia Izralla Jacayla Jakwendy Jillindy Jossa Juju Kaddi Kerly Kharrie Karzara Lekkie Ley Maja Malla Marnie Marqetta Merie Miandi Naja Nandi Nargesa Nee Nehanda Ninni Oppy Ospera Racallie Rojanna Sabrina Safia Saimie Scara Seefa Shakhete Shannan Shianna Shinni Sirissa Suranda Sumaleki Tammie Tekla Thomie Tyme Tyti Valtia Warda Warissa Yokka Zara Zelie |
Crooker Cutter Dunsword Duul Gibbs Guilder Harrier Howlstar Jaga K’Ai K’Almun K’Eje K’Eta K’Onnopta K’Upta K’Urur Markabel Mundu Naismith Neem Redd Sailer Sawney Sawyer Silver Sixsmith Sloane Swain Tuuvaz Vashko Veiko Warden |
Wood Elves
Bosmer names seem to be inspired by Tolkien’s Sindarin names. Unlike Altmer names, Bosmer names typically do not end in a vowel (male names never do in vanilla Morrowind). They can also be shorter than Altmer names. Typical female suffixes are -eth, -wen, -e and -a ; typical male suffixes are -oth, orn, -or, and -os. The -in suffix is unisex. Suffixes -el and -iel are also unisex but much more common in female names.
First name male | First name female | Bynames, honorifics, whatnot |
Arvegoth Atlagoth Bergoloth Boradan Caelros Carradrin Daerval Elgoth Farangir Forodrin Galeglos Hengor Hindor Irvileg Kelendir Legelring Minildur Moroleg Mothrondor Nalfannir Nilfglos Nirinring Olring Olroth Parandil Pereglos Rianor Rottogoth Saegor Saragloth Seldor Vagoth Varadrin Varingoth Verengor Vilgindil |
Arilfae Arveduin Astathiel Baeril Carafil Cirifae Desdrel Dynuin Elmien Ennechel Faronan Forgil Gildaraen Hargil Helmechel Hilaeril Hindoril Ilrail Klatheviel Larachel Lidwen Lingidir Menedhel Mirchel Muraen Naarwen Nilthiel Ninnaniel Niringaer Rugiulme Sylwen Thaebereth Thariwen Vaelnan Veradhel Verenwen |
Names are inspired by existing Orc names, Sumerian language, and, obviously, by Tolkien. No family names as they are always just first names with the “gro” and “gra” prefixes. Much like Argonian names, Orc first names seem to be almost unisex. There are some suffixes which seem to be gender-specific (for example -rob and -fim for female Orcs; ag and -arz for male Orcs). The vanilla name pool is so small, however, that this just might be a coincidence.
First name male | First name female |
Ahakh Anbarnag Ansurarz Arag Ararz Aratrog Azulog Bararz Bulg Burzish Duralluk Durgag Durnabag Ereshag Fimbarz Gabanag Gabarz Gabgaz Garamulag Garz Gashanarz Grol Gurnag Kalag Karz Kugan Kurukh Kuzig Laga Meshogra Murarz Musharz Nag Nagag Narz Nimug Sag Sagaz Snagarz Urag Uratrag Urarz Urulog Yadbag Yag Yaggarz Yamag Yasinag |
Agak Agarob Arob Azalfim Azurob Bagfim Barob Beshug Burshuma Burugrob Burzul Durafim Durtaba Eresh Gabafim Galfim Gashrob Gud Gurduba Kam Kulrob Kura Kurgalash Kursiga Lagab Lugafim Lukur Mashorob Muruba Murufim Mushgal Nakh Nagrob Narzul Ninurob Sharagrob Sharnakh Ububul Urash Urnifim Urob Ursash Urufim Usumgal Yafim Yaggal Yagrob Yaragrash |
Caves, grottos and Daedric ruin names are inspired by the Assyrian language as well as existing ones in the game. Dwemer ruin names are inspired by the existing ones and the Semitic alphabets. Nordic barrow names are inspired by old Germanic languages (Old Norse, Old English, Proto-Germanic) and by Proto-Finnic.
Caves and grottos | Daedric ruins | Dwemer ruins | Nordic barrows |
Abussu Ailk-Dur Aldaralk Babadan Balk Banissari Bet Betirai Bisu-Kinnu Carimilk Dulbanu Dut Egalturai Ehtulk Elmesour Emminabi Ferenanit Gundabal Hiski Hurru Ilunabi Issarnud Karu-Dur Kimmu Kinnurai Kudurru Kuvatri Kumaralk Laran-Ahhe Maatu Manud Massuni Mennukarmu Ninnimuru Odabadon On-Gelmia Pilanis Punnadad Ranat Rimassari Samitu Sastamala Sedula Suldun Surukinahmi Ummurubi Vitsi-Dad Vys-Vyssa |
Ashuhadziru Badammalit Balammaridan Bessarneremat Durunamiran Elibaallaku Essurtashpi Hammusnaburammi Ilinarbaelbal Issernanit Kassitalashishi Maelakushtashpi Mandarammidan Ninsunnalpitu Lugashammiran Ossurnashalit Rammusharrut Shalmanesser Sheregoballit Shuttuparit Zerzemanesour |
Arkntdahrk-Meleft Arum-Tamem Bthardamz Bthunund Dalathamez Hamzchend Hethleft Gamleft Mzitchand Mzithamez Nchazaleft Peft Rithand Samech-Dahrk |
Aethelhal Alfurskraba Aimdallr Aldskraba Alguskirk Alvheikmar Bardaga Beorgashal Brandfalurl Bryttenhal Bundingr Dormimir Dreygirholv Dunscraeg Dwimmermund Gaardr Grimrkero Grimstokkr Hagbrathr Halvcyningraf Haraldirtor Hauthasholv Heathor Hartvegr Hravnsmerki Hrimgethr Hringbeorga Hringiffir Hurtosgraf Hvethrungr Kyningsholv Laugrdaugr Livsvaara Nautsijnerhaim Nidergard Nojturheim Jaernalhul Rautholverg Scraef Shoor Sohtigeitholv Sotherdr Thralskraba Thulur Thumvegr Tyrm Uildavalder Uildhellir Uildvegr Uillingard Undiburga Unholv Valdabeorg Vragestor |