Brennan Bluffs
The Brennan Bluffs are a rocky highland on the northwestern Cyrodiilic coast stretching into Hammerfell. They are the transitional foothills between the coastal lowlands and the Colovian Highlands. Craggy and hilly, with high cliffs along the coastline.
Vegetation is sparse, especially where the land borders on Hammerfell. Travel is made difficult by the gorge of the Soetar River, which divides the region from the southern grasslands. The city of Sutch rests on a stone spire in the middle of this ravine, connected to either side by dazzlingly high bridges. On the southern border of the region lies Lake Umbranox (called the Lan Taifo Hai by Redguard locals), source of the local salt industry. Some vineyards and a handful of farms on the southern slopes.
Exterior Design guide:
Ref limit: 250 for wilderness cells, excluding cells containing settlements or large dungeons.
A majority of the Bluffs are exterior complete but will need additional passes. The cliffs should remain sheer on the coast, but become more hilly and lower along the river. Mass reference reduction should take place, as well as land texture expansion, flora swaps and additions.
Ground Textures
- T_Cyr_TerrGrassGH_01 - main grass
- T_Cyr_TerrGrassDirtGH_01 - driest grass
- T_Cyr_TerrRoadDirtGC_01 - paths and dirt roads
- T_Cyr_TerrRoadStoneGC_01 - main roads
- T_Cyr_TerrRockGH_01 - main rock
- T_Cyr_TerrMudRiverGC_01 - Brena River
- T_Cyr_TerrDirtGC_01 - regular dirt, river banks and underwater variety
- T_Cyr_TerrFarmlandGC_01 - farms
- T_Cyr_TerrGravelCH_01 - melt water streams originating from the Colovian Highlands
- T_Cyr_TerrDirtCH_01 - (new) variety dirt
- T_Cyr_TerrGrassDirtCH_01 - (new) semi lush grass
- T_Cyr_TerrGrassRockCH_01 - (new) semi lush rocky areas
- T_Sky_TerrBurnedGround_01 - forest fires
- T_Cyr_TerrRockGH_Rock_** - regional rock
- T_Cyr_TerrRockGH_Mt** - the biggest of the hills and peaks
- T_Cyr_TerrRockGH_RockGrp_** - around big rocks and roads
- T_Cyr_TerrRockGH_CliffM_** - coastal cliffs
Static Flora
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_Shrub_** - common small plants
- T_Cyr_FloraGH_Tree_03, 05, and 07 - primary trees of the region
- T_Glb_Flora_TreeJoshua_** - (new) common tree, grows in groups
- T_Cyr_FloraCH_Shrub_01 and 02 - (new) common small plants
- T_Ham_Flora_Lobelia_** - (new) common medium plant
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_Bush_** - less common medium plants
- T_Cyr_FloraStr_Bush_** - less common medium plant
- T_Cyr_FloraStr_Shrub_** - common small plant
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeOlive_** - uncommon tree
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeDead_** - really dry areas and forest fires
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeBurned_** - (new) forest fires
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreePalm_** - coastal and along the river
- T_Glb_Flora_Cattails_** - coastal and along the river
- T_Cyr_FloraCH_Grass_**
- T_Cyr_Flora_Fig** - uncommon
- T_Cyr_Flora_AloeVera** - common
- T_Cyr_Flora_Ironrye** - common
- T_Cyr_Flora_DryadSad** - rare, grows on fallen logs
- T_Cyr_Flora_Apple** - rare in wilderness
- T_Glb_Flora_Fennel01 - rare
- T_Cyr_Flora_Ladysmnt01 - uncommon
- T_Cyr_Flora_Goldenrod** - common
- T_Ham_Flora_GoldWatc**A - (new) uncommon, use only green versions in GH
- T_Cyr_Flora_Grape** - vineyards
- T_Cyr_Flora_Apple** - uncommon crop
- T_Cyr_Flora_Ironrye** - common crop
- T_Cyr_Flora_Indureta01 - somewhat common crop
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeOlive_** (static) - rare crop
- Donkeys
- Cows
Flora to remove
- T_Cyr_FloraGH_Tree_01, 02, and 04 - replace with T_Glb_Flora_TreeJoshua_**
- T_Cyr_FloraGH_Tree_06 and 08 - the vurt baobabs are not very nice and baobabs in general would be better suited as a unique feature on an isolated island.
- T_Cyr_FloraGC_CactusSutch_01 - we can either continue waiting for a good cactus or just use some of Joan's hammerfell flora. Lobelia could work in place of these.
- T_Glb_Flora_Nirnroot01 - there are too many of these in dry inland areas, where the game that introduced them almost exclusively made them grow near water
Vertex Shading
- Under statics: 88,88,88
- Roads: 121,121,121
- Between textures: 168,168,168