Amber Forest

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Amber Forest by be-a-stranger.

Amber Forest will be a new amber-tinged forest region in the southern Mournhold District, Morrowind. It will be a beautiful, yet disease-ravaged forest struggling to survive the encroaching salty earth of the Deshaan Plains to its south. It forms a transition from the lush Orethan Heartlands to its north to the deadly Deshaan Plains to its south and is, thus, split between Great Houses Indoril and Dres.


The border of the Deshaan Plains and Amber Forest regions by be-a-stranger.
Proposed borders for the Amber Forest region by be-a-stranger.

A lush green forest in the heyday of the Almsivi, the region is a reminder of the Almsivi's waning power and Almalexia's inability to upkeep the gardens of Resdayn as she once did. Now, the leaves of the trees are orange and red all year round and the tree trunks leak sap. Even the roots leak sap into the ground, leading to amber-like formations on cliff sides. Still, thanks to the diligent work of Indoril gardeners, the forest persists on the Indoril side.

In the southern half, however, where the Amber Forest meets the salty Deshaan Plains, the earth is so salty that all trees growing there eventually meet their fate as petrified statues of sap dried by the arid air and warm weather of the Deshaan. The only reason the trees can grow there is a dense network of roots that stretches north over the border to the lands of the Indoril, where the trees are growing on more fertile ground with plenty of water. This, in turn, hurts the trees up north, but it stops the spread of the of the salt plains. New trees can grow on the spilled sap, protected from the salty earth until they are strong enough the grow into the ground, connect to the root network and serve their duty as protectors of the Indoril heartlands.


  • Nanaav in the Amber Forest region by be-a-stranger.
    Nanaav – one of the major Indoril chapels of the west, ruled by Indoril Beroth (who is currently residing in Roa Dyr). This chapel watches over the towns of Othrenis (in the Orethan Heartlands) and Aimrah (in Aanthirin) and the village of Ralthel. It is as of yet undecided whether the chapel's surroundings will be in the Orethan Heartlands or Amber Forest regions.
  • Ralthel – a new Velothi village.
  • Alavelis – what used to be called Amber Forest in TES I: Arena and Bosmora in old Tamriel Rebuilt. This will instead be one of the major Dres clansteads in the region.
  • Lhendal – another Dres clanstead, to the west.
  • Fort Lutemoth – an Imperial Legion garrison attempting to keep watch on the border of two imperial districts.

Additional links

Meeting which approved the region