Abecean Sea

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The Abecean Sea is a great sea region covering most of the western seaboard provinces, from Hammerfell down to the north of Valenwood. It is, for the most part, a warm and tropical climate.

To the south, the Abecean Sea ends in the Blue Divide between the Summerset Isles and Valenwood. To the north it continues up to Illiac Bay, between High Rock and Hammerfell. To the west, the sea ends in the Eltheric Ocean.

The Abecean Sea is home to a large number of island regions such as Stirk isle, Stros M'Kai, The Chain, Cespar, and Herne. For this reason, and due to the location of prominent trade ports such as Rihad and Anvil at its shores, the sea is favored both by merchants and pirates. In fact, piracy has been a plague on this sea since time immemorial.

Under the water, the Abecean Sea is host to both large Dreugh colonies and Sloadic remnants, including the vast and light-less ruins of the original Thras holdings, lost beneath the waves. The sea is also home to a large population of Lamia.