Talk:Main Page

From Project Tamriel Wiki
Revision as of 09:39, 28 January 2021 by SGMonkey (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page should be a glorious protected, landing page, for all that the wiki encompasses.<br> Two Columns up top, Province mods in left column, Resources in right column.<br>...")
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This page should be a glorious protected, landing page, for all that the wiki encompasses.
Two Columns up top, Province mods in left column, Resources in right column.
Somewhere on the page, we need a news section, which should be handled via a new template, much like that of the UESP.
Below that, there should be a section for hosted projects. Short description, possibility of two columns in the future.

-SGMonkey (talk) 14:39, 28 January 2021 (GMT)