Places (Skyrim)

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This article lists major settlements, landmarks, and bodies of water. Other related pages:

  • Barracks — Guard barracks throughout Skyrim
  • Camps — Camps without a settlement cell
  • Castles — Seats of Skyrim's most powerful
  • Giants — Giants and their territory in Skyrim
  • Guild Halls — The various headquarters for the guilds of Skyrim
  • Holds — The kingdoms that make up Skyrim
  • Imperial Forts — Garrisoned fortifications of the modern Empire
  • Taverns — Inns, taverns, and places where you can rent a room
  • Jails — The jails found throughout Skyrim
  • Shipwrecks — Ships and shipwrecks
  • Shrines — Outdoor shrines to the Nordic gods
  • Stables — Transport hubs
  • Runestones — Ancient stones commemorating important events or people
  • Shops — Merchant locations
  • Temples — Temples to foreign gods
  • Other locations — Other places that do not fit into another category


  • Broken Cape - An eroded cape jutting out into the Sea of Ghosts as a set of tall cliffs and rock pillars. Also covers the bay covered by the cape.
  • Drajkmyr Marsh - A frigid salt marsh region between Haafinheim and the Pale.
  • Druadach Highlands - A windswept plateau region spanning the western borders of the Reach
  • Eastmarch - A wide, sparsely forested river valley ending in the Yngol fjord connecting to the Sea of Ghosts.
  • Grey Plains - A cold, lightly wooded region stretching from the northern borders of the Reach to the Sea of Ghosts
  • Gjerde Hills - The forested eastern foothills of the Throat of the World. Numerous waterfalls feeds the Rift Valley waterways.
  • Gorvigh Ridge - A long flat-topped mountain range separating the Pale from White Hold.
  • Hirsing Mountains - A lesser mountain chain shooting out from the Velothi Mountains.
  • Hrimbald Plateau - A forested plateau overlooking the Rift valley. Lesser rifts and valleys cut through it.
  • Jerall Mountains - A mountain region separating Skyrim from Cyrodiil
  • Kilkreath Mountains - A smaller mountain range separating Solitude Forest from Falkheim. Home to Mount Snowhawk.
  • Kreathi Dale - A wide, forested lake valley making up the majority of Falkreath hold. The crater Lake Ilinalta dominates the valley floor.
  • Lorchwuir Heath - A pleasant, grassy region in the southern part of the Reach
  • Midkarth - A green, cliff-strewn region hugging the banks of the lower Karth River
  • Northshore - A frozen coastal region spanning the area between Drajkmyr Marsh and Ysheim's shore.
  • Rift Valley - A rift valley with a river running though it. Volcanic activity in the ground makes the climate suitable for farming.
  • Skaldring Mountains - A tall mountain range between the White Plains and Valstaag Highlands.
  • Solitude Forest - A densely wooded region spanning much of central and western Haafinheim
  • Sundered Hills - A rocky and hilly region on the border of the Reach and Falkreath
  • Throat of the World - The tallest mountain in Skyrim is a region unto itself
  • Troll's Teeth - A chain of jagged peaks marking the eastern border of Whiterun.
  • Valstaag Highlands - The foothills region of the Skaldring Mountains, a sparsely settled highlands taiga.
  • Velothi Mountains - A mountain region separating Skyrim from Morrowind
  • Vorndgad Forest - A hilly woodland region covering most of the upper Karth River, including the confluence of its two forks
  • White Plains - A wide, open, high altitude tundra plain enclosed by mountains to all sides.
  • Wuurthal Plains - A secluded frozen valley marked by a myriad of standing stones.
  • Ysheim - A vast mountainous region surrounding Mount Arnthor, large parts of which is completely isolated.





Haafinheim and Hjaalmarch

Hrothgar Hold

The Pale

The Reach

The Rift

White Hold

Winter's Hold




Haafinheim and Hjaalmarch

Hrothgar Hold

The Pale

The Reach

The Rift

White Hold

Winter's Hold



  • Pagran
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]


  • [placeholder]


  • Drajkmyr
  • Ysel
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]

Hrothgar Hold

The Pale

The Reach

The Rift

  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]

White Hold

  • Duhngar
  • Laintar
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]
  • [placeholder]

Winter's Hold

Farms, Lodges, and Estates

Locations inside city cells not listed




Hrothgar Hold

The Pale

The Reach

The Rift

White Hold

Winter's Hold

Orc Camps

Major Camps

Minor Camps

Reachmen Settlements

Major Settlements

Minor Settlements





Direnni Ruins

Ancient Nord Forts

Second Empire Forts

Natural Landmarks

Eastmarch Hold

Falkreath Hold



  • Snow Throat
  • [mountain placeholder]
  • [mountain placeholder]

The Pale

The Reach

The Rift

  • [Lake Geir islands placeholder]
  • [Lake Honrich islands placeholder]
  • [mountain pass placeholder]
  • [mountain placeholder]
  • [mountain placeholder]

White Hold

Winter's Hold

Bodies of Water



