List of Loose Ends
This table is a repository of small loose ends across PTR. We often have NPCs vanish from the game that supposedly move to locations that are yet off-screen (for a vanilla example, see Vodunius Nuccius travelling to Narsis), or we reference minor locations or family ties that don't exist yet (for another vanilla example, Caius Cosades having family in Cyrodiil City). These are often added on the spot for flavour and not part of any high-level planning, so there's a risk of them getting forgotten by the time the location in question is actually made, which might be years or decades in the future.
How to use
Doesn't matter if you're the writer or reviewer of the quest/dialogue, or if it's just something you came across, if you see something that's not in the list yet please add it. The first column is for which province is referenced, the second for which location/region in that province (if known), the third is a very short description of what is being referenced, and the fourth provides enough information to find the particular reference in the CS and get more context. No need to provide lengthy explanations, if someone needs to know the details they will look it up themselves.
A few notes:
- The fact that something is listed here does not mean that future devs are obligated to take it into account when they actually make the areas in question. This table exists to avoid contradictions and unresolved loose ends, and so going back and changing the original mention can be an equally valid remedy.
- Only add references that are made explicitly or are heavily implied. For example, the fact that a character mentions that they grew up in Wayrest is not enough to require an entry here, as there's no reason to assume that they still have living family or similar in the city. However, a character mentioning that they're a part of a rich Wayrest family does qualify, as you'd expect that family to still have a residence or business there if no indication to the contrary is made. Obviously there can be exceptions to that. Use your own judgement.
- Only add references that don't pertain to big picture planning. You don't need to add a note to there being vineyards near Skingrad or to Athires Hlaalu being the Hlaalu Grandmaster. If those things ever end up changing, we'd have to go mention-by-mention through all writing anyway. Again, use your own judgement as to what is major enough.
- If it's not clear from the IDs or locations mentioned, make sure you can tell in which project the reference is made, so people know which .esm to look it up in.
- Keep in mind that the province and location column indicate what is being referenced, not where the reference is being made. If an NPC in Anvil talks about their family back in Tear, this needs to be added as Morrowind/Tear in the table.
- To keep this list at least somewhat orderly, please make sure that new entries are placed next to existing entries for the same province/location as applicable. Use the Insert above or Insert below option on the table to do so.
The List
Province | Location | Description | Reference |
Colovia | Chorrol | Queen Millona leaves after being deposed | After KoA Thimistrel questline, PC_m1_K1_HT5 |
Colovia | Artemon | Nymona Aurix moves to MG there | After tiny seadragon quest, PC_m1_Cha_MGTinySeadrake |
Colovia | Kvatch | Barettius Manor | Also Wya and Buc Barettius return home there after PC_m1_Anv_ThreeStrang. |
Colovia | Skingrad | Adosu Dovayn moves there to perform | After PC_m1_DM_AdosusAdun |
Colovia | Sutch | Killer of Arahn Kimoi's killer | Implied to be someone operating from the Kingdom of Sutch in PC_m1_BC_MurdCross |
Colovia | Tarrich | Pilgrim Parvo Hersus returns home to Kingdom of Kvatch | After bringing his amulet back in PC_m1_IP_HY2 |
Nibenay | ??? | Vendicci Estate | Vermilius Vendicci's wife lives there, and he returns after TR_m4_TG_Shei6 |
Nibenay | ??? | Acius farm | Dialogue for PC_m1_EmilianaAcius |
Nibenay | ??? | Pelladia family | Formerly of Stirk, mentioned during PC_m1_Cha_PelLeg |
Nibenay | Cyrodiil City | Cosades family | Vanilla dialogue. Also returns there after A2_3_CorprusCure |
Cyrodiil | ??? | General Casik (daedra) returns there | If released after TR_m3_OE_BelatedJustice |
Cyrodiil | ??? | Dira Folvani flees there | If let go during TR_m4_Uman_B2 |
Hammerfell | Rihad | S'Dato escapes there from Charach | If let go during PC_m1_Anv_Bounty_SDato |
Hammerfell | ??? | Gentleman Jim Stacey and his family | Jim plans to return there after TG_KillHardHeart |
Hammerfell | ??? | Rue Vaneria flees to family there | If let go during PC_m1_Anv_Bounty_Rue |
High Rock | Menevia | Cemaron and crew travel there | After TR_m7_HO_PassageMenevia |
Morrowind | ??? | Duvianus Platorius chases after Addhiranirr | During A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant |
Morrowind | ??? | Tashpi Ashibael moves to the mainland | If let go during MG_KillNecro2 |
Morrowind | Blacklight | Larienna Macrina is looking for an unplundered Dwemer ruin near Blacklight (though vanilla game forgets to disable her) | Hrundi's dialogue after FG_Nchurdamz |
Morrowind | Sotha Sil | Sondaale is trying to get a permission to study in the city of Sotha Sil | Hrundi's dialogue after FG_Telasero |
Morrowind | Kragenmoor | Nedalas Plantation (nearby) | Dialogue for TR_m7_Remyon Nedalas |
Morrowind | Hla Rud | Othreleth Plantation (nearby) owned by Alane Othreleth | Armas Tyravel's dialogue in TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisit |
Morrowind | Andrethis | Mervis and Diradenu Llarel retire to the nearby Camonna Tong's estate | If spared in TR_m7_JNS_TheBoss_EndOfTheLine |
Valenwood | Woodhearth | Diplomat Sirethal Palinis returns there | After PC_m1_K1_MC5 |
??? | ??? | Prince Enman and entourage depart Anvil | After PC_m1_K1_HT3 / PC_m1_K1_MC7 |