Colovian Highlands

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Revision as of 03:54, 6 January 2025 by TerrifyingDaedricFoe (talk | contribs)
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Passage through Colovian Highlands, showing the how height changes shape the region to be difficult to traverse.

A range of hills, mountains and plateaus along Cyrodiils's western border. Rough and inhospitable, featuring vast cliffs, ravines, and rock formations sculpted by the western winds. The lower slopes are occasionally covered in sparse growths of thorn bushes and scraggly olive trees. The climate is dry and hot, rain falls seldom. Though the Highlands are not a real mountain range, the highest peaks do catch some seasonal snowfall, feeding into several fast, dangerous rivers which have carved treacherous ravines deep into the hillsides. Besides a couple of major cities to the north, most Highlanders live in isolated villages, focused on mining and logging. The higher cliffs feature the archetypal fortresses of the Colo-Nordic lords.

Exterior Design Guide

Ref limit: 250 for wilderness cells, excluding cells containing settlements or large dungeons.

The Colovian Highlands are varied in height and tough to explore, with lots of unmarked paths and melt water streams which serve a similar purpose to the foyadas on Vvardenfell.

Ground Textures

  • T_Cyr_TerrDirtCH_01 - dry or low areas and around melt water streams
  • T_Cyr_TerrFarmlandCH_01 - farms
  • T_Cyr_TerrGrassCH_01 - main grass
  • T_Cyr_TerrGrassCH_02 - very lush grass
  • T_Cyr_TerrGrassDirtCH_01 - semi dry areas
  • T_Cyr_TerrGrassRockCH_** - lush rocky areas
  • T_Cyr_TerrGravelCH_01 - melt water streams
  • T_Cyr_TerrRoadDirtCH_01 - paths and dirt roads
  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCH_01 - main rock
  • T_Imp_SetCH_TxCobbleStone_01 - major roads


  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCH_Rock_** - regional rock
  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCH_Mt** - the biggest of the hills and peaks
  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCHG_Rock_** - lush areas
  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCH_RockGrp_** - around big rocks and roads
  • T_Cyr_TerrRockCHG_RockGrp_** - round big rocks and roads in lush areas

Static Flora

  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_Shrub_** - common small plants
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_Tree_** - primary tree of the region
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_Tree_10 - less common tree, grows in groups separate from the rest
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_TreeBush_** - smaller trees, grows near the big ones
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_TreeShrub_** - even smaller trees, grows near the big ones
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_TreeLog_**
  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_TreeStump_**
  • T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeOlive_** - uncommon tree
  • T_Cyr_FloraHL_Tree_02 - rare tree
  • T_Cyr_FloraWW_Bush_01 - common bush
  • T_Sky_Flora_TreePine7_** - common tree, increases in frequency further north


  • T_Cyr_FloraCH_Grass_**


  • T_Cyr_Flora_Inkwood** - common
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Fig** - uncommon
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Bloodlill01 - rare flower, grows in groups
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Mandrake01 - uncommon, more common further south towards Kvetchi Pass
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Motherw01 - uncommon
  • T_Cyr_Flora_DryadSad** - rare, grows on fallen logs
  • T_Glb_Flora_Milkthist01 - more common the further north you go
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Apple** - rare in wilderness
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Siyat01 - rare
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Spikerice** - common
  • T_Glb_Flora_Blackberr** - uncommon
  • T_Glb_Flora_Fennel01 - rare
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Stinkhorn** - common fungus
  • flora_heather_01 - common flower
  • T_Glb_Flora_Hemlock_** - uncommon
  • T_Glb_Flora_FlAmanita** - common fungus

Cultivated Flora

  • T_Cyr_Flora_Grape** - vineyards
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Apple** - uncommon crop
  • T_Cyr_Flora_Ironrye** - common crop
  • T_Glb_Flora_Fennel01 - somewhat common crop
  • T_Cyr_FloraGC_TreeOlive_** (static) - rare crop

Cavern Flora


Vertex Shading

  • Under statics: 88,88,88
  • Roads: 121,121,121
  • Between textures: 168,168,168